Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another Obama Blunder

Our President, The Anti-Christ

Above in the second photograph, you will read a ver bet um QUOTE from the President of the United States during a Pennsylvania Rally in March of 2008 he dictated to the assembled Americans.

Now, before I comment on his wonderful little quote, I want to share some grounding information first.

On January 23, 2009, in one of his very FIRST acts as president, Obama OVERTURNED the Mexico City Policy, forcing taxpayers to fund groups that promote or preform  abortions abroad. This ONE executive order funneled tens of millions of dollars into the coffers of the abortions industry. When he announced the policy change, the president added: "In the coming weeks, my administration will initiate a fresh conversation  on family planning, working to find areas of common ground to best meet the needs of women and families AROUND THE WORLD."

This "common ground" line has been a default for Barry (as you will please take note: I DO NOT like to call him President so, I will call him Barry) every time the issue arises. The problem is the only common ground for the children involved in abortion is the soil that covers them.

How can anyone expect Barry to find ANY semblance of  "common ground" when he surrounds himself with some of the militantly pro-abortion collaborators in presidential history? Please take a look below now at just a FEW of HIS staff choices:

Ellen Moran, W.H. communications director, is the former director of Emily's List, a group that bankrolls the candidacy of pro-abortion women whom seek national office.
Melody Barnes, director of the W.H. Domestic Policy Counsel, is a former board member of Emily's List.
David Ogden, Barry's deputy attorney general, argued in a 1992 brief that women faced NO psychological or emotional problems AFTER having an abortion. In fact he wrote, "The evidence shows that she is more likely to experience feelings of relief & happiness...child-childbirth and child-rearing or adoption may pose concomitant (if not greater) risks or adverse psychological effects." 
Kathleen Sebelius, secretary of Health and Human Services, as well as the former governor of Kansas, is a long time supporter of the LATE term abortions. She vetoed a measure that would have limited the grisly procedure holding firm to her pro-abortion convictions while trying to pass herself off as a "practicing catholic".
Rahm Emanuel, the W.H. chief of Staff and former congressman, never met an abortion policy he couldn't support. He earned himself an uprising ZERO percent voting score from National Right to Life.

I could go on and on guy's. There is pro-abortion vice president Joe Biden; the pro-abortion secretary of state Hilary Clinton; the pro-abortion solicitor general and supreme court nominee, Elena Kagan. Who can forget his telling Pastor Rick Warren that the issue of the question of when DOES life begin was "above his pay grade."

Now, to talk a little bit about the caption in the photo with his quote. When an individual considers their own grandchild a punishment, how can you possible think them capable of creating just or moral policies regarding human life? It reveals his true feelings about human life and gives us a unique perspective into his notions of family.