Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The American Woman

I've written about a great many of our social ills and brought to the attention of hundreds the need for action. Many tell me that I have affected their lives, thinking, and everyday actions in a positive way. But when I look around me I see that regardless of my efforts and the efforts of many like me, my people are, as a whole, still sitting on there butts and waiting for "somebody else" to make the sacrifices necessary to fix things. And I'm disgusted beyond words. To start to straighten out this nightmare, there has to be a starting point, a place of beginning, a foundation for change. And after years of careful thought on the subject and decades of first-hand experience, I've come to the stark realization that it all must begin where it started; in the home...

The American home is the backbone of society and culture. Or should be rather! It's where our kids learn from example how to behave, what to believe, and what to honor. But in the past and especially today's generations our kids have been abandoned to fend for themselves and learn their belief systems from communists that control our schools, TV, radio and all other forms of communication. This is a crime of monstrous proportions, and it falls squarely on the shoulders of our women. Mothers are the caretakers of our future and the keepers of the home fires. When they abandon their sacred role to pursue money and position in a world that was intended and designed for men, they are not only betraying their duty to our race and children, they are violating a command laid down by the ancients that women know their place and they are to be satisfied with it. Our racial forefathers didn't lay down that law to be tyrants, but because they knew that without the love and nurturing of women, our children would grow up to be Pelosis, Reids, Obamas, Boxers, Feinsteins, Kennedys, and all other kinds of vermin now destroying the foundations of our society...

The typical argument I get from women when I berate them for this is that they "can't find a good man." Total shit. The reason women today aren't happy with their men is entirely their own fault (unless of course they are with a wife beater or a complete louse drunkard). But trying to get them to see this is almost impossible. Let me explain:

For the most part, women created the men we have in this society TODAY,(Notice the difference of men from YEARS ago & now today) and in every other generation both past and present. They give birth to them, raise them, then turn them loose on the world. And how those men relate to other women, other men, and the world at large is primarily the responsibility of the mother that raised them. So if you women are finding lean pickins' when it comes to mate material, look no further than your own mirror for the culprit. When children are born, they're a blank slate. Whatever you write on that slate defines them as person the rest of their lives. So if you're selfish, self-centered, lazy, spoiled, too busy out having fun partying it up and working in a man's world to spend the necessary time it takes to raise your kids properly, you can pretty well expect to get a bumper crop of assholes..just like their mothers...
And the cycle repeats itself with each successive generation, only each one is worse than the one before, until we end up with half the nation being mindless, self-centered, uneducated liberals, who respect nothing and no one, and think the world owes them a living. Is it any wonder our prisons are overflowing? I think not...

This mess was started by the the communist and the Progressives, back at the very beginning of the twentieth century. Using lofty sounding ideals as their cover story, they spent millions on a campaign for women's suffrage. These bastards were very smart. They knew that if women got the vote, it would start a chain reaction of change that couldn't be stopped. Women would next want out of the house and into the job market, and all other fields of traditionally male endeavor. The enemy pumped them full of propaganda about how "men were oppressing them" and "holding them down" and "keeping them from their true potential". These poor, deluded females didn't have a clue that they were being reeled in hook, line and sinker to help these idiots with their agenda to destroy both our race and this nation....
Practically no thought at all was given to their lonely little ones sitting at home, wondering where their mommy went. They were too focused on their "careers". And as women increasingly entered the work force, the Jew bankers began to very slowly jack up the prices on everything. Food, gas, heat, housing, you name it, until in the end she had to work alongside her husband just to make ends meet. They no longer were getting ahead with her added income, now it was a stark necessity just to survive. Just as the Jews that run everything, had planned all along...

So now something had to be done about the kids. They needed a sitter. Enter the ever so economically driven Progressive's. Soon state and privately run day care centers were popping up all over the place, and all of them were run for the most part, by rabid liberals. Guidelines were laid down for these centers to follow, which gave them a decidedly liberal philosophy to pump down the throats of our kids whether we liked it or not, and usually behind our backs. Soon kids were disrespecting their parents, getting into trouble, using drugs, getting pregnant, getting tossed in jail and dropping out of school. And when the boys grew up they became the deadbeats that women today are trying to choose a mate from. Good luck...I am certainly NOT stating that kids were taught to "go get knocked up" or "go buy a bad of dope", BUT just like in today's world, if you teach a child enough of one thing and conveniently "leave out" others, they will start to change.
Now add the coup de grace to their agenda to destroy the white family unit; the backbone of our culture, the Progressive's next instituted Welfare for single mothers. This gave females the option of dumping hubby and living off the state. This way they could "do their own thing" without any stupid man arguing with them. Never mind that ALL children desperately need a father in the home to help raise them and teach them discipline and self control. Too much of either parent is a bad thing. We were designed to have two parents. The women may have liked the independence, but they were irreparably damaging the psyches of their children in the process. As planned...

Next they attacked the institution of marriage itself by making it illegal for the father to live with his family unless she wanted all state help to be cut off. But it was just fine and dandy if she wanted to move in and shack-up, with someone other than her husband who didn't love the kids. The liberals and the Progressive's behind the majority of what they do, called it "providing a male role model". Some role model. These creeps turned white ethics, morals, and decency upside-down by extorting women. And still a lot of women vote liberal every time. Amazing...
And still to this very day there are women who are allowing the NEA, a communist organization to raise your kids for you while you're out working. Did you know that if all working women quit today and went back to your husbands, by next week there wouldn't be an unemployment problem? All the nation's men would be working again and providing for their families, and the communist's agenda would have been stopped in its tracks. Sure, lots of men aren't worth the powder to blow their brains out. But if most women started treating men with the respect, love and courtesy our grandmothers did to their men, soon you'd draw the right men like flies to honey. Good men are drawn to real ladies. They'll die for us. Why do you think that up until just the last 30 years, men would give the lifeboats to the women and go down with the ship in their place? Why was it common and expected for a man to die defending a women he never even met before? Why did men open doors for women of all ages? Why did they pull out our chairs for us? Because ladies, we women were CHERISHED! These were the special privileges afforded real ladies...( Don't get me started on my views of how allowing segregation to be stopped and Blacks allowed to intergrate with us, brought on SO many BAD, negative life style changes, including Chivalry and all above. Yes to ME THEY were the MAIN BAD INFLUENCES! )

But today women want the privileges of a woman and the rights of a man. Well girls, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Sorry, but it just doesn't work that way. It's either-or.. And if you behave like a man and live and work in a man's world, competing for men's jobs, you can expect to be treated like a man as well. Women are now whining about that and crying foul. They expect to be allowed to step on a man's toes without getting stepped on in return. American men today think of American women as "sweet poison", much like a black widow spider or some other beautiful but dangerous creature. Nature draws them to you, but then common sense makes you run like hell. The good ones anyway. What man in his right mind wants to deal with today's liberal, "liberated", feminist female? None that I know of. But you can fix this girls. It's time to grow up. You are the key to our race's survival...
If we are ever going to pull out of the racial tailspin we're now in, it's going to have to be us women that do it by raising the next generation of white warriors the old fashioned way..the way your grandma would have. Honor, duty, discipline, respect for parents and authority, hard work, truthfulness, integrity, character, and courage. Teach these honored and crucial traits to our children once again, and our race will again blossom as it did of old. Ladies, you don't have to win this war with a gun and sword. All you need is a paddle for the kids and a welcome smile for your man. The rest will come on its own...THIS woman however WILL be doing BOTH. Old School values, New school protection. I'm going down swing to protect my children and the RIGHT to raise them up right, as my grandparents did!

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