Friday, September 3, 2010

My Political Positions

I have recently started watching some news again lately, and brushing up on current events. In case you all haven't noticed, I have to take a mental break from what I love. My brain LITERALLY was about to explode, my blood pressure was constantly rising and I was in a seriously bad mood! I wasn't getting far enough along in making any difference or changes for how strongly I felt for what is happening in this country, I just melted down! 
While on hiatus, I have had SO many things going through my head and not enough fingers to type everything out. I have come to a definite solution as far as MY political position. I will write below my thoughts and then continue:

Political Positions

1. Institute or Raise Tariffs on Foreign Imports, other than for limited Barter Trade. Rescind NAFTA, WTO, GATT, and related agreements. Close the IRS.

2. Enable Sovereign Credit to rebuild Infrastructure, beginning with Railroads, Bridges, Highways, and the Power Grid. Seize the Federal Reserve for these and other National Funding purposes.

3. Close most offshore military installations, eliminate the occupation of foreign lands, and cut the Defense (WAR) Budget at least 50%. Shift those credits to Infrastructure Development.

4. Eliminate Foreign Aid. Shift those credits to Infrastructure Development.

5. Eliminate ALL immigration into this country, legal or illegal. Eliminate 'Dual Citizenship'.

6. Severely punish Companies and Corporations that hire Illegal Aliens, with added emphasis (hard prison time) upon Executives who knowingly do so.

7. Employ Sherman Antitrust and similar laws upon monopolistic Corporations. Eliminate the Corporate 'Person'.

8. Seize assets of Companies and Corporations that destroy the physical environment, with added emphasis (hard prison time) upon Executives who knowingly do so. ( Trust me I am NOT an environmentalist people. I just want some limitations set on just HOW much of this country can be DEVELOPED. We are going to end up looking like Down Town China or Japan! If we stop letting foreigners in here, there just might be room for OUR coming children (people). I want to leave what we can of this BEAUTIFUL country to enjoy and remain. Not conquer & build over it.)

Immediately seize the assets of British Petroleum and imprison all Executives involved in the events leading to and exacerbating the Gulf Oil Disaster.

9. Empower the 50 States to regain their individual sovereignty. Empower offshore holdings to gain their Independence.

10. Revitalize the Articles of Confederation to enable these things

Now have made my view understood, I would like to add a few fore thoughts. A reminder, this is MY blog, hence my thoughts etc.  My writings are not an intention to force anyone to agree with me (although I have been told I am great at that lol) and everything seen, read on this entire blog is defended under the Constitution: FREE SPEECH.

Evidence abounds that a certain, vile, alien people have taken control of our country. How is it that a parasite has gained dominion over its host? Instead of being vigilant our leaders and people's have slept. What are we to do? How bleak these aliens have made our children's future. All around our land is dying. Our cities swarm with dusky hordes. The water is rancid and the air is rank. Our farms are being seized by usurious leeches and our people are being forced off the land. The capitalists and communists pick gleefully at our bones while the vile, hook-nosed masters of usury orchestrate our destruction.

Extremists on the Left rail against the reemergence of Nationalism, while the Right Wing rail for America first. The Left continues to support the idea of suppression of nationalistic moves, preferring the failed "bigger is better" attitude, of the last several decades. The so-called Right has correctly argued against a world class Universalised Cult, while at the same time supporting an equally dangerous transnational economic program which falsely equates Capitalism with Free Enterprise. When discussing the Right and the Left however, things can become very confusing. The majority of the Right has followed the lead of the Left, into programs and laws, suppressing discrimination. I truly believe discrimination and property ownership are the two issues that separate all mankind from slavery. Without the ability to discriminate, even somewhat and on certain issues, ethnic and racial protection is impossible. Anyone who advocates laws against discrimination or private ownership of property becomes your enemy, no matter what racial group they belong to, or which flag they happen to wave. 

Remember those anti-Separatist words " nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all..." Separatists are not Nationalists. For the most part, a Separatist sees national borders as lines drawn arbitrarily, to the tune of economic guidance, not for racial or cultural best interests.
For today, what is this nation? It is certainly no longer an identifiable, homogeneous, racial or cultural group. What, in some cases, may have had its beginnings as race and culture, today are simply an economic outline, that encloses any combination of races and beliefs. This, of course, is not a real nation. This is a bastard nation, with almost no roots, where millions of non-Whites can claim only one generation on the land. That land usually being the asphalted big metropolis. These sad places cannot, without tongue in cheek, be called cities or city-states. They are like overnight mining camps, that rise in population, until they suck out the environmental resources and then collapse. The metropolises being the gaping anal cavities of a sick and dying nation. To those unclean places flock the worst of all races. Only the most degenerate of the White race struggle to stay on top of the maggot pile in such unnatural settings.

Even beyond immigration, legal or illegal, the very numbers of non-Whites already here, and their high birth rate, are enough to plunge North America into a banana republic status within two decades or less.
On the other hand, imagine a Separatist state or region in the Southwest, that could see the impact each day of thousands of immigrants, climbing on board each day, with no hope of a federal solution. Of course they would do what tribes have done since the dawn of time. They would rally their forces and stop it with a force of arms. 
As I am sure most of you ARE aware, this is where I AM, my family IS. we are here in Arizona (transplants from Southern California) in the very heart of our Nations Immigration problems. I can personally vouch for and dictate the TRUTH in what IS actually happening. The news, papers, etc. don't exactly always have it accurate. 

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