Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A False People

In the "old days" before political correctness was the law of the land, liberals didn't dare to tell outright lies to the public. They happily and constantly twisted the truth to the point of being unrecognizable, but that's where they drew the line. Not out of any sense of moral decency or ethics, because liberals don't possess either one. They refrained for expediency's sake. To start telling whoppers openly would have triggered an all out culture war, and that's something liberals want to avoid at all costs..for now. But they were simply waiting..waiting for the time when their relentless brainwashing and long-term campaign of twisting our kids into devout little commies came to fruition. They wanted the liberal population to be a match numerically for all the conservatives in this country. That time has arrived. Between the blacks, which are always liberal Democrats, the Mestizos, which too are almost exclusively Democrat, the so-called "legal" immigrants, which are almost entirely third world mud people that immediately attach themselves to the liberal government's welfare teat, and the millions of brainwashed young white kids, white conservatives are actually outnumbered in their own country. A frightening reality, and one that the enemy grins about constantly...

Now the liberals, and the media and the government they now completely control, give us a diet of almost pure bullshit. You can't depend on any of them to give you the facts about anything. And if you do get an answer that comes close to the truth, I can guarantee you that it will be heavily colored by their agenda and philosophy, which is a combination of depravity and insanity. The really spooky thing about communism is that it has a great many properties akin to traditional demon possession. Once a person falls under the spell of liberal leftist communism, he or she becomes completely invulnerable to reason and hard facts. If something or someone comes along refuting their beliefs, they react by either attacking like a mad dog, or ignoring the truth as if it weren't there. I've read about this exact-same behavior in "Moonies". These people were members of a large cult, ran by a Korean con artist named Sun Yung Moon. Moon had a charisma that comes along perhaps once in several generations of man. He had the power to convince a person into doing almost anything; even suicide. He was truly a frightening and very evil man...

From what I've read, the creep finally died, and the world is a better place for it. He had close to half a million followers world-wide at one time, and was the reason why "deprogrammers" came into being in the first place. These are teams of dedicated people that literally kidnap a brainwashed Moonie or other cult member, and use the same brainwashing tactics that Moon used on them to deprogram them and restore to them their ability to think for themselves. Moonies would con some naive' young person into going with them to their "commune" house for a visit. Once there, they were taken by force into a small dark room. Then they were bound hand and foot, tied to a chair, then had their eyes taped open. They were not allowed to sleep for three or four days, screamed and yelled at by rotating shifts of members. No food, almost no water, and never let out of the chair. They were insulted and belittled non-stop until they broke. After they had shattered mentally and spiritually, they built them back up, using Moon as their center. To a Moonie, Sun Yung Moon is God on earth. He has the authority and power to do anything he wants with his followers..and did. New members had to sell everything they owned, give him all their money, stocks, bonds and savings, sell their car, and if possible, steal all the money from their parent's accounts as well. Moon had diplomatic immunity, so he would plunder America and get away with it...

After this, the new member was put out on the street to con, beg, and prostitute to get money for this evil, greedy man. If they failed to bring in at least $100 each and every day, they were denied food, sleep, and they were then beaten and belittled, and then put back out on the street the next day to make another hundred..and an extra hundred as penance for being slothful. This is the height of evil. He was finally deported. Apparently, Moonies supposedly had a look in their eyes that was both unmistakable, and scary as hell. Red, glassy eyes, dark circles under them, pale skin, and a far away, dazed look on their faces, as if they were in a dream. And they were..a nightmare. Moonies could be deprogrammed..sometimes. But there were just as many cases where they faked deprogramming just to be turned loose, so they could run back to that horror of a life. No amount of logic, love, truth, or hard cold fact had any effect on them. The point of my ramblings on "Moonies" is that I see the same symptoms being increasingly displayed among liberals. (Yes I have ALWAYS had these values, morals & beliefs, even as a young girl). Turn to any channel of the mass media, and you'll instantly be bombarded with an avalanche of propaganda, twisted facts and outright lies and fabrications. 

Another example was in the 70's in China. To read and hear about the red government, Americans were the lowest form of life. We were ignorant, nasty, aggressive, immoral and warlike. After a lifetime of absorbing that crap, it's no wonder they hate us...

 When we round up and prosecute all our enemies, we must be sure to include every writer, producer and director in Hollywood. (Almost all. I <3 Mel Gipson) They've done more to destroy and pollute our culture with depravity and filth than the blacks have.(Not ALL blacks mind you). And that's saying something. Liberals and progressives are a false people, living under a false premise. Most are so far gone that they wouldn't recognize the truth if it jumped up and bit a bloody chunk out of their asses. Like the Moonies of old, they are a lost people, a group of brainwashed and vicious fanatics that are as hell bent on spreading their insane lifestyle and belief system as the craziest Muslim terrorist. They are dangerous. All through history we see similar movements that almost overran and destroyed civilization. Somehow, those with heart and integrity always managed to prevail in the end, beating them back into the sewers they came from. But this time is different. Not enough people of good character are fighting back. And unless a hell of a lot more join the fight..and soon, what was once the shining hope of all mankind will become just a sad memory of things that once were...

We must fight this cancer with every breath we take, and every ounce of strength we possess. To do any less would be criminal. We have a responsibility and a duty to destroy this madness before all the good, fine, and decent things in this world are swept away on a tide of depravity and evil. We are white America's last's only hope...

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