Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Over the past few months I've talked to one heck of a lot of people. Friends, relatives, allies, readers, and even pundits. The one common thread running through all their opinions is the desperate need for a revolution in this country. I agree. We've watched in helpless rage as millions upon millions of invaders poured across our borders, while our elected leaders sat on their asses and flatly refused to stop them. I've watched as the liberals increased the so-called "legal" immigration rate by millions.. twice. ( AND I LIVE IN ARIZONA & HAVE WITNESSED IT) I've seen thousands of hateful, greedy, arrogant illegals demonstrate for their "rights" outside the White House, demanding amnesty from a leader that's far closer to a dictator than a president. I've watched Wall Street politicians completely drain off America's wealth..and get away with it. Not one of those thieves has been prosecuted. I watched in horror as Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Feinstein and other communists broke every law in the land to cram a healthcare bill down America's throat, when a whopping 84% of Americans violently opposed it (new numbers). We saw Obama scrap our almost completed missile defense system without telling us..or asking us. We've seen gun bill after gun bill whittle away at our rights to own a weapon, violating the Second Amendment and almost every state law in the country..and they've only begun...

I discovered that one liberal congressman attempted to have a lawyer arrested for calling his office and disagreeing with his evil actions. Just for complaining. I watched as the liberals took over all of our schools and started force-feeding our kids communist propaganda as if it were Gospel, and teaching them that it's better to be a pervert than a normal, healthy kid. I saw TV, radio, and even newspapers transform into Russian style propaganda machines for the communist\liberal agenda, to the point that even entertainment shows are now packed with it. I've seen the law after law pushed through the senate, making it a felony for whites to speak up about black and Hispanic evil. To do so labels you a racist and criminal. I've watched in stark horror as communists won suit after suit, forcing local and state governments to uproot long standing monuments because they depicted the moral code this nation was built on..the Ten Commandments. I shook with rage as Obama signed away our sovereignty to our foreign enemies, then refused to salute our flag, or even say the pledge of allegiance. HE HAS EVEN he ordered the Haitian embassy not to fly the American flag, so as "not to give the wrong impression." He is ashamed of our flag and what it And yet there he still sits, in the White House, breaking every law in the way of his final agenda; to become America's first dictator...

I stopped watching TV for the most part because it no longer reports the facts, only lies. Hundreds of thousands of whites are robbed, beaten, raped and murdered every single year in this country, and yet not a word of it is ever reported, because it wouldn't be politically correct. I watched in dismay as leader after leader was elected, and not one of them did a thing to stop the invasion. I was enraged when liberals AND conservatives voted for massive increases in "legal" immigration, pumping uncounted millions of third world parasites and criminals into our country, to the point that whites are now held hostage in their own country. I've seen our history books be butchered and mutilated, with all our heroes removed, only to be replaced by the world's bottom feeders and Marxists as role models. I've screamed in outrage as liberals and such promoted black on white sex and breeding, creating a whole generation of dumbed down mongrels that are only good for prison or welfare...(Our Caucasian White heritiage will one day be wiped out)

And I've watched in amazement as white America did nothing as this government openly bought millions of prefab coffins,(please see here:

refurbished old bases into concentration camps, (Please see here:)

built box cars designed to haul people..not cargo, and start training thousands of our troops to fight civilians here at home. (Please see here:)


And yet nobody shouted the alarm. I've hissed in rage as Obama signed away a large portion of our nuclear defenses to Russia, when they gave practically nothing in return. I've witnessed his deliberate importation of terrorist Moslems into our country as immigrants no less, directly against the will of the American people. And I've seen him and his ilk label all patriotic Americans..even veterans out fighting for their country.. "terrorists" because they oppose his evil agenda. I can't recognize my country anymore. I can't live like I used to. And is any of it my fault? No. Because I fought every change tooth and nail. But for a great many Americans it IS their fault, and they're getting exactly what they deserve for allowing this monster and the liberals to take power. They should have risen up years ago and put a stop to all of this, especially the poisoning of our schoolchildren. They are our future, people. These creeps are going for our very foundation...

There is only one way you can be absolved of your guilt in this, and that's to stand now and make the sacrifices necessary to put a stop to this evil, no matter what the personal cost. This is what our forefathers and fathers did, and that's why we live in a free land (for now). Freedom is not free! Understand this. Like everything else in this world you have to pay for it, or you lose it. Well, it's time to pay the piper. Cowards need not apply. But if you people fail to rise, and instead lie down as the tyrants of this country walk over you, then you have no right to complain when the put the chains of slavery on you and your children. Because people, it is coming..sooner than you think. How do you spell revolt? C-O-U-R-A-G-E.

"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot
to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must
inform the citizens of this plight." ~ President John F. Kennedy a speech made to Columbia University on Nov.12,1963
...ten days before his assassination.

(Photo Courtesy,

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